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featured in The CEO Magazine
Article Title: Most crucial mindset when going into business for yourself
Published 20/04/2021

Going into business on your own comes with inherent risks, but entrepreneurial expert Alan Manly explains that there is a way to overcome these challenges with the right mindset.

Before taking the plunge into self-employment – especially in a post-COVID world – consider what it really means to go out on your own in business.

The internet is awash with ideas to on how to start a business, from deriving revenue from a hobby or side project through to beating your existing employer at their own game.

Essentially the message is the same: success (or failure) boils down to how good your business plan is. Yet as COVID has laid painfully bare, even the most profitable businesses can’t take their ability to trade and to find paying customers for granted.

The very phrase ‘go out on your own in business’ contains some wise words of wisdom, provided you fully grasp their meaning and how they apply to the world of entrepreneurship.