Alan Manly featured in Dynamic Business
Article Title: Let’s Talk: Crafting an effective elevator pitch
Article Date: 15th May 2024

“An elevator pitch is like any other craft. The skill comes from the thinking through your goal of the job at hand. My goal is to effectively introduce myself and my product, get a person’s name and open the opportunity to follow up after the elevator pitch.  I still use a business card as my prop. I say my name, offer my card and say that I am with “XX” which is an XX company specialising in “XX”. The details of our services are on the back of the card.  I then ask “what do you do?”. After listening I ask for their card or details. I usually get a card or a scan or link with their details.  Next day, I follow up confirming having met them at a function, to remind them who I am, and seek further interaction. After many years I can say that when I follow up a new contact I always get a polite response giving me an opening to present my product.”